Face-To-Face (FTF)
Onsite Bilingual Professionals
Face-to-Face interpreters are booked in advance. The more notice and information you can provide, the better support we can provide. The role they play, their field of expertise and the ‘mode’ by which they conduct the interpreting (consecutive/simultaneous/whispering) needs to be clearly outlined with one of our team when making a booking so that the right preparations and interpreter can be provided for you.
Interpreters can travel to your location at cost. We can provide the service beyond regular office hours upon prior arrangement. After-hour rates will apply.
If cost and travel is an issue, then telephone or video interpreting may be the solution for you.
For FTF Rates and Bookings please call 0800 938 255 or email us with your details and we will reply with all the information: contact@interpreterline.nz

Over-The-Phone (OTP) & Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)
“A professional interpreter in your pocket…”
Telephone interpreting can be Pre-scheduled or On-Demand. We have all the technology and people ready, with a single call.
Benefits of using Pre-Booked Telephone Interpreting
Telephone interpreting reduces travel time, mileage and overall costs. Booking a call in advance means someone will always available for you and it costs less than calling on-demand. We can also connect multiple people into a conference call as needed.
How does Video Interpreting work?
Video Interpreting can be done through your smartphone or computer. It gives the interpreter (and you) the ability to show important visual information. For example, you may be a physio therapist and the interpreter needs to see the movement of joints or strengthening exercises in order to explain them correctly to the patient.
On-Demand telephone support
This caters to frequent-use businesses, call centres, government agencies and organisations needing rapid response interpreting support.
We can provide a dedicated phone number for you so that no PIN or log-in is required. Just dial and connect. We can also provide Operator assistance, set up Interactive Voice Response (IVR) call menus, and personalised interpreter greetings to suit your language needs.
Please check our Rates and Service page, call

Understanding The Role of an Interpreter
Interpreters are bilingual language professionals. Their role is to provide impartial, third-party independent language support.
Under special circumstances, interpreters can act as ambassadors to support your business endeavours as a language conduit, or they can abide by a strict code of ethics and complete confidentiality as a ‘linguistic tape recorder’ to meet official or legal requirements.
By clearly defining the expectations of the client and role of the interpreter at the time of booking, the most suitable framework can be easily set up.
Interpreters can adapt to a range of environments from working in front of the camera for news releases and film launches to being completely behind the scenes in a conference sound booth as required. For this reason, we have an extensive pool of interpreters in order to cover a range of situations from private functions, business meetings, legal and medical to international delegation visits, agency engagements and conference interpreting.
Credentials, Ethics and Interpreter Support
Depending on the role and language pair required, most interpreters will have a recognised qualification, a minimum of 2-year’s documented experience in the industry and or belong to a professional body in New Zealand, Australia, or further abroad. There are minor exceptions where rare or emerging languages and community/migrant groups simply do not have access to industry-specific qualifications or training for various reasons. We provide training to all interpreters irrespective of their background. All interpreters abide by a strict code of ethics and confidentiality.